
Hic Anda Thu | Me And You

1. In Your Room

In your room with the unanswered letters
In your room with the notice unread
Where you can’t get away from the weather
Sustained on your painted bed

In your room with the pictures of Washington State
And the old blue Mexican plaid
In your room with your bread on a golden plate
while you wait, while you wait

In your room where the dishes are gathered
In your room where the forecast is dead
In your room where the dust doesn’t matter
Your intentions have all gone ahead

In your room where you write to the world of your gain
While the sun shines hot on your cane
In your room with a view on the Golden Gate
Where you wait, where you wait

Ah, the prince and the princess are riding
On their high horses, feathered and tarred
While the scapegoats that follow are fighting
In the art they’ve been taught by Descartes

And the pages still turn in the regular way
And on each night still follows a day
And you wonder if ever this weather will break
While you wait, while you wait
Ah... while you wait

In your room with the unanswered letters
In your room with the notice unread
where you can’t get away from the weather
Sustained on your painted bed

Tekst: Trudie van den Bos
Muziek: September
Opname en productie: Johan Vromans

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